Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wash Day in Tuscany

Ah, the simple life. A rooster crow to start your day. A gaggle of geese waiting for little hands to spread seeds. A wash bucket full of sudsy water. The smell of new mown hay. The feel of stiff jeans on the clothes line. My personal favorite part of farm life was gathering in the eggs and placing them in the basket -- oh so carefully, so they wouldn't break. My Aunt Verda made wonderful hot cakes on the griddle with real butter. After the wood had been chopped with an ax on an old stump, I didn't mind gathering it for the old wood burning stove. Cold rich milk complemented those grand cakes.

When I saw this little farm in Sienna, all those memories came rushing back. Those lovely summer days were enchanting, long and warm. We would gather on the front lawn and play leap frog and Red Rover. I knew then that I wanted a large family to laugh, work, and play together.

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